New studies show that less than 25% of the adult population consumes the five to nine fruits and vegetables a day currently recommended to prevent disease. In compliance with a recent physician intervention “Call to Action” from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the physicians at Shepherd Eye recommend that all our patients supplement their diet with full-spectrum multiple vitamins to slow the progression of chronic degenerative diseases associated with poor eating habits and the aging process. After extensive research, we recommend the full-spectrum multiple vitamin brand called Science-Based Health.
Did you know landmark studies show that the progression of macular degeneration can be slowed down by more than 25 percent with full-spectrum nutritional supplementation? We recommend the super-potent Macular Protect Complete AREDS2 for our patients with macular degeneration. AREDS2 combines powerful protection for your sight with comprehensive multi-nutrient support for overall health.
Almost 50 percent of the Las Vegas population suffers from dry eyes. HydroEye SoftGels are our first-line treatment of choice for our dry eye patients and contains a proprietary blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other key nutrients that work together to support a healthy tear film.
Both HydroEye SoftGels and Macular Protect Complete AREDS2 can be purchased at any of our four locations. For more information about supplements visit Science-Based Health at